Title: Volume
Positioning Statement: The Voice of Rock
Frequency of Publiction: Weekly
Price: £1.60
Distribution: Newsagent, Supermarkets, Gig/Concerts
Rationale: The magazine is produced from the target audience's perspective. The articles will be on what the fans want to know and ask about rock music.
Style: The style will be informal as this magazine is for people who are interested in music magazines but most importantly Indie/Rock so the magazine will be produced with simple vocabulary with short paragraphs and a consistent colour scheme that the target audience has chosen. Images will also be a major aspect of the magazine.
Regular Content -
- Editors letter
- Fans letters
- Gig reports
- Upcoming evens/performances
- New realeases from bands/singers
- Competitions
- Ask me anything - a different artist each issue gets asked random questions
Feature Contents -
- 50 gigs you must see by the end of the year
- Album reviews
- Tour news
- Top 5 classic rock bands
- Tips for unsigned artists
- How to learn the guitar
- All american rejects on tour
- Kings of Leon speak up about their rivlary
- Blink 182 go wild
- Guns n Roses talk Rock n Roll
- Artic Monkeys: their journey so far
- Lost Prophets: standing on the roof top
House Style -
Coverlines: Arial Black and Arial
Headlines: Britannic Bold
Standfirst: Franklin Gothic Medium, 14pt
Captions: Franklin Gothin Medium, 8pt
Features first paragraph: Drop Capital - Britannic Bold, 3 lines deep
Body text: Times New Roman, 11pt
Colour scheme: Black, White and Purple
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